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Re: loopers hard talk questions and answers

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:48 AM, L.Angulo <labaloops@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I dont know where looping will go in the future,

I don't think "looping" will go anywhere. Unless people use it *as an
instrument* to create interesting music. I think it's fair to compare
with any other instrument; guitar is not going anywhere - guitar music
does. So I think we should focus more on "live looping music" than on
"looping". It's a big difference.

"Looping" is a nerdy topic but "hearing live looping music" can
actually affect the masses. I can spend lovely hours discussing ways
to set up a floating twang bar on a Strat with another guitar player
but everyone else will go blanc-faced and hit a coma state if they
don't zombie away from us in time. But just talk about Bob Marley,
Jimi Hendrix or anyone that uses a guitar for making music, and the
discussion will bring in everyone around the table! People appreciate
beautiful wallpaper in a room but take no interest in the glue and
knife used by the man who rigged that room.

In your example with the busker using an RC2 the looper is typically
used as a recorder. That's not of interest to anyone - but the music
may be. What may "go somewhere" is when looping is used as an
instrument, i.e. to create unique sound and expression. The Robert
Fripp Guitar Player interview from 1986 that Richard Sales posted a
link to a couple of hours ago talks about this in general terms
regarding the use of guitar synth.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen