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Re: loopers hard talk questions and

Hehe ... way to go Rick!

I read his letter as I was supposed to be packing boxes and thought to myself, "What a misanthropic jerk!" and then went back to getting ready to move.

But it bugged me, too. It seemed to typify my experience with the broader audiences I had encountered in New England, yet I knew better ... that there were listeners who understood and appreciated what I and others have been trying to do with our performances.

Based on the depth of the questions and the discussion I had with Adam, I can't help but wonder how much got trimmed away from the article that was presented originally.  There really do seem to be regional differences of appreciation (I make that observation based not solely upon music but other areas of endeavor as well, given my academic day job) and New England is surprisingly parochial.

Ah, well ... let's just get revenge by making some more music!



On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Rick Walker <looppool@cruzio.com> wrote:
You know, it's funny,

When that guy wrote that curmudgeonly letter to the Globe,
I got pissed and wrote a long reply.

Something happened, the page malfunctioned and I lost the letter that
I had worked so hard on.   Boy was I pissed.

Anyway,  the more I got to thinking about it afterwards the more I realized
that here is some unhappy guy who feels bitter enough about music that
he'd want to put down an entire artistic movement.

I think that a person like this is rarer than even the live looping group out
of all musicians.

I just think we shouldn't give his vitriolic, agenda based letter so much energy.
The guys pretty out of it, emotionally or just really ignorant to have written what he did.
It's pretty evident.

I say fuck him is he can't take a joke.    Let's loop!!
