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RE: choosing a laptop

heres an update-
i bought a macbook pro 2.3 dual core w 2GB ram running bootcamp XP SP3 and Mobius at 256 samples with almost no clicks-
all in all...... i would suggest to anyone looking to go into laptop looping to purchase a MAC....
after 4 dell computers.....simply buying a MAC solves the following issues-

1) no ground noise when plugged into AC
2) low fan noise0
3) TI firewire chipset (the most important thing ever =D )
4) run XP or OSX
just wanted to pass on what i learned

> From: jeff.larson@sailpoint.com
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 14:54:19 -0600
> Subject: RE: choosing a laptop
> > > Does the express card also use a non-TI chipset?
> >
> > from what ive read,no it doesnt-
> Then this does suggest a chipset problem.
> > even if the express Firewire card has TI chipset..........
> > the chipset for the express slot READER is not TI....
> > so it makes no difference....
> I don't think that's true. I've heard about FW chipset
> incompatibility problems but never about PCI-express SLOT
> problems. They are totally different. You can have IRQ
> conflicts with PCI-express but this is unrelated to the
> circuitry.
> There seems to be mountains of evidence that Dells with the Ricoh
> chipset suck, but lots of people use PCI-express interfaces with Dells
> successfully.
> Jeff

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