Wouldent you achive the same by having a loop with only one reapeat, so that what you play get repeated just once while you improvise the counterpart which will repalay once while you imrpovise over that.... and so on. Regards, Anders (my looping soundclick page: www.soundclick.com/AndersBergdahl ) > > Hi folks > > I find it SCARY how we are sometimes thinking/doing similar approaches at the same... ;-) > > While I'm typing this, I have Bach's Inventions (2 voice) opened up and have looked at it from looping perspective. > What I have done so far is rather playing 2 voiced improvisations using Replace (for EDP people I guess it's Substitute?). So I play a pattern, loop it and then continuously overwrite (not overdub) it with what I'm currently playing. So you always hear one loop pattern and my current performance at the same time. I try to keep barock counterpoint as much as possible while improvising. This evolves quite interestingly both harmonically and rhyhthmically. > > best regards > Buzap > -- > Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01 > |