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Re: rackmount midi sequencer

yes I _have_ known that !!
edp sys ex is simple, and, If you have (or know where to find) Emagic's 
(editor librarian) Sound diver, I have made a EDP sys module you could 
use to program your edp and also copy paste all the messages for edp sys 
ex sends. but, be aware that audio maybe interrupted if loop is playing 
and sync may also drift.
I only used sys to change params with sysex while in reset.

It works fine but you'll have to dig in sys ex and in the manual, and, 
nobody can do it for you if you really want to be a power user...

Good luck



andy butler a écrit :
> mark francombe wrote:
>> Question #2
>> I havent tried to do this yet, and I could, but maybe Per remembers, 
>> or Andy knows.... but one clever thing I thought of wopuld be to 
>> program the settings of the edp via a drum machine. So instead of 
>> changing premade "presets", one uses the midi command for the 
>> PARAMETER button, and then the midi command to select the parameter, 
>> then the command to change the parameter. Now if I did this... how 
>> FAST would EDP accept these changes? could I program each command one 
>> 64th apart, faster?
> In theory, it's possible and fast enough, though I don't know exactly 
> how fast.
> One problem that would make it rather fiddly though.
> When you've pressed Param, you're scrolling through the settings, rather 
> than being able to set an absolute value.
> So a sequence of commands would change the parameters, but the result
> would depend on what they were to start with.
> eg
> the button sequence Param>Param>Rec>Rec
> would change RecMode from SAF to SUS,
> or from TOG to SAF
> or from SUS to TOG
> ...but would only do so if you weren't in Parameter Mode to start with.
> ...and that button sequence would leave you in Param Mode, from
> which you could only exit with a Long Press of Param, which means it's
> 400mS before you can use any controls.
> Reliably set (say) RecMode to SUS under any circumstance you'd have to do
> LongParam (in case you were already in parameter mode)
> Param
> Param
> LongRec (set Record to TOG, as longpress sets to default)
> Rec
> which is going to take >800mS
> In short...it's very awkward.
> It seems it's possible to do exactly what you want with Midi Sysex.
> Claude Voit would know that, ( well Matthias *might* too ).
> It's *kind of* in the loop4 manual at the end,
> but not very explicit.
> I have to admit that I've avoided looking into this,
> and so far it's always been possible to do what I wanted without it.
> I wouldn't be surprised if it's buggy.
> Having written all that...tell me *why* you want to change params so 
> It's almost certainly possible to achieve what you want without changing
> params at all.
> andy
> ps
> these days the Gordius LG has a lot of sequencer like features,
> including sync to incoming midi clock.