Hi Luis, Keep in mind that Apogee dropped the support for Windows recently. http://news.apogeedigital.com/index.php/press-releases/43-press-releases/103-apogee-discontinues-windows-development And how many inputs do you need? I'm wondering why you would use both a Mackie mixer and an Apogee if you can do it all with just an Ultralite? Just curious ;) Yes, the Apogee Duet does have better pre-amps but I doubt if that makes a big difference in a live situation. --- Sjaak http://euroloopfest.com/ http://sjaakovergaauw.com/ http://www.last.fm/music/Sjaak+Overgaauw __________________________________ Scarlet schrapt download limiet! ADSL20 NO LIMIT voor € 29,95. Ga naar www.scarlet.be voor meer info!