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Least Costly Live Looping Solution

Mark said:
>... but arent you all missing Ricks point???
>I think Rick meant to find the "One hit and your hooked" machine... That 
>was "Plug n Play" and would have them wanting more...

That may well be the case, Mark, but if that was his point, he didn't
say so (see the subject of this discussion). My last post in this
thread specifically targeted his statement that (paraphrasing here)
you need to spend $700 to be able to run a decent software looper.

You are right (as I also pointed out) that the zero dollar computer
solution requires a lot of time and effort which a) may be more than
$700 worth, e.g. if you're making $400 a day, b) may be beyond the
intellectual capabilities of some and c) may be more than they are
willing to invest before they already are hooked.

So yes, you're right, the relatively cheap stompbox is the thing to
get somebody hooked (not the zero dollar computer with Mobius), and
again, I'd recommand the SMM w/Hazari over the Boss RC-2, even if it
is €35 more (quoting German street prices), for the following reasons:
a) varispeed (from half to double), b) reverse loop, c) feedback
