> Check out Ambiloop, Augustus Loop, Kenaxis, Logelloop, > Mobius, and SooperLooper. One of those might meet your needs. Tip: check out Per's comparisons chart of both hard-and software loopers: http://www.looproom.com/looperchart.php Btw Per: could update the LP1 info? Undo: Yes Pitch transposing: 1/2 speed, varispeed (continuous 1/2 speed), 1/4 speed when combining the two. When you record with 1/2 speed, and switch back to normal speed, you'll have double speed Max number of loops: 8 Built-in storage option: export/import digital audio using the internal webserver --- Sjaak http://euroloopfest.com/ http://sjaakovergaauw.com/ http://www.last.fm/music/Sjaak+Overgaauw