Great Idea Buzap.. now all we ned is a forum, where you can post this as a sticky... DOH!!
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Buzap Buzap
<> wrote:
> Apart from ONE nifty feature... Tagging.
Actually, this is something we could start informally already by simply adding "tags" to our mail subjects.
I think I suggested this before, for example:
- "Brother Sync issue [EDP]"
- "Midi slave problem [RC50]"
- "TheFruityLoopers on tour [GIG]"
- "Mac AU [MOBIUS]"
- "Live 8 features [ABLETON]"
- "Rang3 available? [BOOMERANG]"
- "OT:Promoting your CDs [BUSINESS]"
- "Recommended Firewire Interface? [HARDWARE]"
- "Ever used Reaktor in Looping setup? [SOFTWARE]"
- "Recommended flight case? [GEAR]"
- "IEM? [GEAR]"
- "Checkout this New Looper from Mongolia! [LISTEN]"
- "Does tap dancing improve my looper timing? [TECHNIQUE]"
This way, we could (autmatically) organize the mails within our mail software.
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