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Re: introducing myself :)

(in case someone wants to know: yes, I did check the growth values.)
Hey brother
Were do you go to check out your stats? This is of some interest to me.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Claude Voit <c.voit@vtx.ch> wrote:
are you friendly here ?
is this a welcome ?
bad digestion ?


Rainer Straschill a écrit :

Finally i signed up for the mailing list.. after 3 years..tssss.  and i am surprised how much it's been growing!

On which figures is your statement of "how mucht it's been growing"
based? Number of messages or bytes of posts in summa? Averaged on
which time span? Absolute values or relation to average growth of
internet use/internet community use in the relevant time span?

It may be just that kind of unqualified statements that elicited posts
which you percieved as being rude.


(in case someone wants to know: yes, I did check the growth values.)