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Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions

Hi Tim!

About the use of the two pedals: you really need a pair as, they are used to control four functions on the Vortex ... "Bypass", "Up/Down Patch", "A/B Morph", and "Tap" ... and they use stereo/TRS cables. "Bypass" is the one function not accessible from the front; the ther three can be reached through the front.

Yeah, RPM 2009 ... a bunch of us held a "virtual" Listening Party in Second Life. I played the three tracks and in between did a couple of impromptus. Much fun...



On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Tim Nelson <psychle62@yahoo.com> wrote:

--- On Sun, 3/29/09, Dennis Moser <sinsofmachaut@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Lexicon Vortex. ... If you get one, get two
> sets of pedals, along with an expression pedal and you will
> have a fun little tool.

Hi Dennis,

Why two sets of pedals? Can it be used duplex with each set controlling different functions, or is this for backup?

Saw your disc on the table at the Portsmouth RPM party last night! Lots of fun was had!


