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Re: Packing a laptop setup (with trombone) into bags

Wow that sound excellent!
if my long syncing hopes become real with that then i will join live as 
so my sync dream would be importing a drum groove sample of my 
liking,pausing it then building a loop of my own and trigger the sample 
and have it stretch autmatically to my loop,sort of like the groove clip 
looping in Sonar or Acid,then offcourse all time based efx following
does my dream have a hope?

> Hey, Rainer - I'm looking forward to hear your take on Live
> 8!
> Especially since you seem interested in invesing in the Max
> For Live
> add-on to customize the whole shebang to your heart's
> delight.
> I was just checking out the Live 8 beta last week and the
> new plug-in
> "Looper" has a rock solid tempo master sync domination over
> the total
> application. This means you can simply "hit record, make
> some noise
> and hit record again" to  have Live follow the tempo
> set by that first
> loop. >From that moment you get the global tempo of Live to
> direct all
> tempo dependent audio plug-ins, other loopers, MIDI
> sequencer loops or
> whatever stuff you may have mocked up in Max For Live.
> I don't think I will have a window to go fully into this
> nice new
> looping rig opportunity, since I'm getting more busy over
> time with my
> simple Mainstage-into-Mobius setup. And of course one
> strong point for
> me is that I like the sounds I get out of chaining the
> Logic effects
> together as Mainstage patches. Seems Apple swallowed me at
> last ;-)
> Oh, well...
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.boysen.se
> www.perboysen.com