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FW: sequences and the lp-1


Awesome , really cool techniques, for some reason I hadn’t put two and two together since the note value capability was added that this could be done.. Once I stopped using the repeater, I thought I had let go of the ability to trigger the samples via midi not on/off and drive it from an external midi sequencer or drum machine source to create sequencer effects, in my case the arpeggiator of my aging Roland GR-30 guitar synth.. If this is indeed what you are doing, Thank you so much for pointing out that capability. Time to pull the guitar synth out of mothballs and get to business.




 PS, the scramble function is really worth investigating, try a very short drone loop, set to fast scramble and then  leave it in overdub mode, and set the feedback set below 90% or more, then start playing with the track speed and reverse….and enjoy ..



From: Simeon Harris [mailto:simeonharris40@googlemail.com]
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 12:11 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: sequences and the lp-1


i originally posted this on the looperlative forum, but bob asked me to post here as well...

now that bob has implemented note values as controllers, i've been messing around using my drum machine as a sequencer

i have each of the drum sounds (which send a midi note) mapped to various functions like play, stop, play retrig, reverse and various pitch values

here are some simple examples...

in each, you'll hear the straight loop and then i turn on the sequence.

the lp-1 is running through a lexicon mpx-1 for filters and delays etc which are synced to the loop/sequence

http://www.simeonharris.co.uk/misc/pitch.mp3 - this is just a simple pitch change sequence

http://www.simeonharris.co.uk/misc/pitchstutter.mp3 - this is a pitch change sequence with a stuttery retrig

http://www.simeonharris.co.uk/misc/trance.mp3 - a trancegate

http://www.simeonharris.co.uk/misc/reverse.mp3 - a delay that reverses every bar - (the lp-1 was in overdub with feedback at 30% and the drum machine changed the direction of the loop every bar)

and messing about with 4 half speed commands in a bar, fed through a filter and delay - just had to grab a quick recording of this...

http://www.simeonharris.co.uk/misc/speed.mp3 - 1/4 note half speed shift mini-soundscape

i think i'm only scratching the surface here...there's definitely lots of fun to be had with sequenced pitch changes and i havn't even played around with scramble yet. i know some of you chaps with lappytops have been doing this kind of thing for ages, but i'm having fun!

so if anybody has any more ideas for cool sequences, please chip in! (Per....!?!)
