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Re: why we founded this list

I agree, there's nothing wrong with this list, as it is.  I think it
could be more successful as a forum, but that's just me.  The good
thing about a forum is that you can segment it in topics like "Live
Performance" or "OT" and just let it go.  You need moderators though,
IMO.  Kim expressed a deep distaste for the forum format and I respect
his decision.  While he no longer posts here, he pays the bills to
keep this running so it's entirely his call.

My recent post in response to Rick, was just that.  A response. I
never had any intention of airing dirty laundry like that on a public
list, but I guess that wasn't satisfying enough.  I had been happily
ignoring his goading me into this, but the "open letter" hit me first
thing in the morning and I was at my lack of coffee full on cranky
best.  I hope you all enjoyed the episode of "LOOP HOUSE."

Note to all LD'ers: If you think I have a problem with you and I'm not
answering your personal email, do not attempt to get me to explain
myself on a public forum. ;)   Although an American, I'm not into the
protracted "ground war" that seems to be in fashion these days.  I'm
more old fashion, drop my biggest bomb and move on.  Honestly I was
more than happy of just ignoring them and going for a live and let

So I'd like to restate that I never said or felt that performing or
festivals were bad.  I enjoyed my time at the loop fests, especially
the San Luis Opisbo one back in the day.  I feel the structure of the
Santa Cruz fests isn't for me and I've stated it many times. This is
nothing new.  But it's not my fest, and like this list, since Rick
puts out the effort to make it, it's entirely his call.  I don't know
why, but expressing my opinion and politely passing on offers to play
it wasn't enough.

But more than that, my life is a lot different now.  I have a much
more intense job and it's very satisfying creatively.  My work is now
published and goes out to hundreds of thousands of people.  It's a lot
of work but it's very gratifying! I'm very lucky. Between that and
spending time with my wife there's not a lot of slack.  I keep fewer
friends and spend less time with them.  They're great close friends
though, and I'm sorry if time with them end up crowding out time with
internet looping acquaintances at fests. I still love you crazy kids,
you know that.  Except the ones that I don't. :D


On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 8:28 AM, Per Boysen<perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 4:40 PM, Matthias Grob<matilists@gmail.com> 
>> Anyone is free to say on this list that they don't like to travel or 
>> live or exchange their music and only want to exchange tech infos or 
>> fun... but it may not be very useful...
>> ... or don't you agree that this list should mainly serve for those who 
>> want to play in public and spread their music?
>> ... or should we create a separate list for the professionals
> I think one list is fine. That is because I believe that most players
> that do not pursue the ambition of being able to make a living from
> playing livelooping music do still want to discuss the same topics as
> those who might seriously look into the commercial depths.
> I really love the openness and astronomical headroom of this list.
> Thank you, Matthias, for the heads up on the historical records. That
> was great to get!
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.boysen.se
> www.perboysen.com