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Re: Tech 21 MIDI Moose (MidiPipe)

I've tried converting the program changes into CCs with no luck using Midipipe. I noticed that some people are using this pedal though. How are you making it talk with your software?

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 1:16 AM, Buzap Buzap <buzap@gmx.net> wrote:
Hi Jojo

yes, that's the way I actually use MidiPipe with Mainstage:
I was able to use the message converter to convert a specific CC number to Program Change. But I wasn't able to specify the ProgChNumber either.
So, the CC number becomes the ProgCh number. I have adapted the ProgCh numbers in the Mainstage patches instead.

Routing shouldn't be difficult. I was able to add my midi controller in the beginning (and also I think a component in the end) of the midipipe. It worked automatically.

If you want to duplicate i.e. CC messages, you can also use the converter to convert a CC message and click the option to pass also the original message.

best regards


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