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Re: Looper pedals

The rang 3 doesn't have midi sync?
On Oct 19, 2009, at 8:57 AM, L.Angulo wrote:

> Then again i cant believe boss left out the Harmony IQ feature on  
> this box that is actually priority for singers!! this would be a  
> winner if it had it,the digitech vocalist live 4 has both great FX  
> and IQ but is too big,the new TC voice live is also too big for a  
> pedalboard and their little harmony G doesnt have many of the cool  
> vocal fx this one has,the only one is the electro harmonix Voice Box  
> but their IQ harmonist does not sound too natural like the digitechs  
> or TCs
> theres always something missing grrr!
>> Hello Anthony, this one perhaps:
>> the roland ve20: 
>> ??
>> Ben.
>>> high,
>>> I remember reading on this list about a new pedal very
>> well suited for vocalists, with lots of on the fly pedal
>> controlled possiblities. Does anyone remember which pedal I
>> am talking about.
>>> Antony