Hi Gang. I'm trading around some things from my loop station: Echoplex Digital Pro w/ Footswtich - $749 http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/msg/1492754374.html Axon AX 100 mkII Guitar to Midi Converter & Sound Source - $575 http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/msg/1492753319.html (I also have a two space rack mount that the two above items fit in for sale.) Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro Midi Footswitch - $299 http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/msg/1492753975.html Buyer pays shipping. I have no idea what shipping costs and usually just sell locally but in this case I thought you folks should get a crack at 'em too. So if you're (seriously) interested let me know your zip and I'll try to get that number. If you think my pricing is out of line let me know too, but everything's in excellent shape and this is what I came up with. Happy Looping! Christopher Darrow 503.327.9329 Portland, OR, USA |