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Re: What public is attracted by a Y2K Sampler Video?

Great question Matthias!

I have had consistent philosophical problems aligning myself with the "mechanics" of looping. I HAVE a looper, which I may or may not use, depending on the landscape.  (I use it a lot.)  But I resent feeling an obligation to loop—or to somehow "feature" looping as a premise for doing what I do. (really ill-defined and uncertain even to ME.)

For me, it's always the question of ART vs. PROCESS, and I don't want to be reminded of HOW the experience is being generated.  Of course, knowing the underlying principles can give one insight into what's happening, but is it lyrical? Is it moving? Did the performer emote, or simply execute? I have no particular allegiance to genre either—I can be moved by folk music, rock, classical, 20th century, noise.

I haven't yet watched this sampler (though I will), but I have viewed a large percentage of what went down at Y2K9 and while I'm very interested because I have a history with some great and inspiring people here at LD, I'm not particularly drawn to the results generated collectively.  There are some I would pay to go see if they were playing a gig, and I would hope that fact is encouraging.

I personally feel that the Y2K events and other "looping" gatherings are more of an industry thing—a tooltime, insider deal . . . and each performer involved still needs to take their process back into the real, world without a net and function independently and artistically without explanation.  It ultimately has to come back to making art and moving hearts.

Mikko Biffle
"Running scared from all the usual distractions!"

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:42 AM, Matthias Grob <matilists@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you, Jim!

I sure added the video to the youtube.com/livelooping Demo collection

while watching, I asked myself and would like to ask you all:

Who is going to watch this? Put yourself into the skin of someone who does not know much about Livelooping and thinks about coming to the festival. Imagine some reasonably open/curious kind of person, not a loop addict.How far into the video would you watch?Which bits would look or sound attractive enough to make you travel to watch such a festival?What impression would you get about the festival in general (being that Rick says in the end that it was a top day)?Then maybe compare to other videos of the livelooping collection...

I really dont want to be negative or disrespect the artistic efforts. I love the y2k festival, I will go to the next!But I also would like to know what you really feel about it, how you situate it in the real world, how you see the publics desires... I am far away, I don't know anything about it...

thank you 

On 9 Dec 2009, at 12:12, Jim Goodin wrote:
Some of you have already seen this via the update on Facebook last night [fell asleep before I could get out the list announcement].  I'm following up on the heels of Michael [Peters] excellent Y2K sampler video and finally releasing my highlights on this year's Loopfest.  I've been editing on this off and on for the last several weeks since being home, was delayed a few times due to ideas, tweaks and other distractions but it's finally up at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsAS-ilHtqM.