I tried the unsubscribe method posted and couldn't figure out how to get the dalkron unsubscriber to drop properly.... ;) -- so i guess i am stuck in this infinite loop!
Being serious now, I am somewhat of a newb having only been on the list for a couple of years. I guarantee you, if you stay connected to this list you will learn a lot, and not just about looping, but mixing/gear/life/music/rythm/etc
I have tried Mobius and that is excellent especially the price, right now though focusing on hardware loopers just because I don't have a dedicated computer for music. The experts on the list will have plenty of advice on how to get a nice setup.
Good Luck and welcome to the list!
From: Jeff Duke <>
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 11:05:17 AM
Subject: Re: unsubscribe
hi Robert,
We are not making fun of people because they want
to unsub. We are making fun of them because they can't figure out how to do it.
I mean you get out by following directions at the same place you get
On your question, tough one! So many loopers and
all ways have their points and drawbacks depending on what you are looking
Welcome to Loopers Delight! "You can check out but
you can never leave"