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Re: unsubscribe


I tried the unsubscribe method posted and couldn't figure out how to get the dalkron unsubscriber to drop properly.... ;)  -- so i guess i am stuck in this infinite loop!


Being serious now, I am somewhat of a newb having only been on the list for a couple of years. I guarantee you, if you stay connected to this list you will learn a lot, and not just about looping, but mixing/gear/life/music/rythm/etc

I have tried Mobius and that is excellent especially the price, right now though focusing on hardware loopers just because I don't have a dedicated computer for music. The experts on the list will have plenty of advice on how to get a nice setup.

Good Luck and welcome to the list!

From: Jeff Duke <jeff_d@embarqmail.com>
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 11:05:17 AM
Subject: Re: unsubscribe

hi Robert,
We are not making fun of people because they want to unsub. We are making fun of them because they can't figure out how to do it. I mean you get out by following directions at the same place you get in..:)
On your question, tough one! So many loopers and all ways have their points and drawbacks depending on what you are looking for.
Try this if you haven't seen it: http://www.looproom.com/looperchart.php
Welcome to Loopers Delight! "You can check out but you can never leave"