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Re: Free Jazz/Avant-Garde Guitar/Bass/Drum Trios

Thanks for the Ducret tip, Rainer...I just bought two of live MP3 albums, 
one from France, and the other Poland.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rainer Straschill" <moinsound@googlemail.com>
To: <loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 2:34 AM
Subject: OT: Free Jazz/Avant-Garde Guitar/Bass/Drum Trios

> Krispen,
> you said: "There must be more than this."
> No, there needn't be more ;). At least in the free jazz domain, the
> g/b/dr trio format is nothing that worked well with the historic and
> musical roots of that domain. With the exception of some very
> "special" projects, a) guitar didn't play that much of a role in jazz
> as a harmony/rhythm section instrument (as opposed to piano) - Miles
> Davis' post-Bitches-Brew 70ies albums being the important exception,
> or as a lead/solo instrument outside of rock jazz circles.
> The guitar started to gain some importance in more experimental jazz
> circles in (I think) the early nineties, but usually in a
> horn/guitar/drums format.
> Still, I have some suggestions to add - but both of them being
> one-time-only projects:
> Marc Ducret - L'Ombra di Verdi (and while you're at it, check out the
> work of Big Satan for some nice as/g/dr stuff!)
> Derek Bailey/Ruins - Tohjinbo, Saisoro
> (all of this recommended, btw, especially the Ducret album).
>           Rainer