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Re: Yamaha MFC10 midi foot controllers and the EDP-1

> You've bought one? Where did you find it?

I posted that I was looking for one on another music/guitar gear bulletin
board and was contacted by someone wishing to sell, and we came to an
agreement. But truthfully, at least in the US, I see them crop up on Ebay
pretty regularily. There are two on there now, and I've seen another one in
a local music store.

> I'm quite new to the list as well, but I see you've caught the drift 
> easily...
> My question is, how are you going to sync things with your drummer?
> Or is he/she so good at time-keeping that it's possible to play with 
> kinds of things in live situation?

It is a unique learning experience to say the least, and does require the
other musicians - as well as myself - to be very precise and punctual. Some
times it works well and other times... Not so well.


But I think it can be done, with some practice - I saw Russian Circles do 
live very well. Most impressive. There are several Youtube videos of them
where you can see/hear for yourself. The guitarist uses both a Akai 
and a Digitech JamMan (plus several analog delays), and nothing was synced
via midi or to the drums in any way...  He was just very aware of the
downbeat and keeping track of what the drummer was doing. They also happen
to have an awesome drummer, a real machine of a timekeeper. My drummer is
gonna take some work, I'm afraid...




> I got one group where I would like to use livelooping but never managed 
> understand how drummer keeps up with it? :-)
> _Petri_