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Re: drum machine

I still like how Arthur Brown's Kingdom Come was the first rock band ever to use a drum machine entirely, rather than a real drummer. It was something called a "Bentley Rhythm Ace" drum machine.  (some band has now adopted that as their name) This was on his band's album "Journey" (1972) which was also one of the earlier rock bands ever to use synthesizers, along with Mellotron, and even a Theremin.  But then again, Arthur has always been a brilliant and innovative performer, and a visionary, and still is..... :-)   
(still active today and after over 43 years, if not longer. That voice has only aged gracefully, like a very fine wine.)

I just read about another underrated genius, Raymond Scott, who invented his own drum machine in 1962 and called it "Bandito the Bongo Artist".  Har!  Great!
(Scott also built sequencers in the late 50s-very early 60's, and was the original father of the concept of MIDI way back then, as well. Sad how most people still do not know about him)

I still have my old Gulbransen drum machine, made by the Gulbransen Organ Company, that I purchased at a pawn shop YEARS ago. It was probably made in the *very early* 70's,
if not even earlier.  No MIDI here or triggers here, of course.  The sounds?  Think: "Sober Reptiles" (and more) by Eno from the album "Another Green World". :-)

Rev. Fever

On Aug 10, 2010, at 6:38 AM, mark francombe wrote:

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 3:30 PM, bill bigrig <billbigrig@yahoo.com> wrote:

 I thought Dolby used a PPG computer from Tangerine dream's light system to trigger simmons modules. Was the linn on his 2nd and later albums?

Ha ha!! You cant pull the wool over anyone at LD!!!

It was a rough guess!! The Linn being the "sound" of the 80´s. I just picked a random 80´s sounding star! I had NO IDEA whether Thomas Dolby had used a Linn!
TBH, I never like the sound of the Linn... or how it was used at least. That huge snare... YIKES.. but I do hear touches of it creeping into some of my mixes from then too.. Even the alternative side of the 80s had HUGE snares... Sisters of Mercy or Killing Joke or Bauhaus, both great bands from my memory.. HUGE SNARES!!!

ps I suppose its pretty easy to see from that list what colour clothes I wore in the 80s?? (still do Im afraid...


mark francombe
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