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Re: Tonight in NYC - Todd Reynolds & meself

This was a stellar night, a wonderful blend of acoustic meets tape meets bowed pyro meets sampling and loops a plenty.  Both gentlemen were top flight creativity doing range from 'song' to scape in solo and duo in a lovely intimate Williamsburg listening space.   Pictures/video later.

Kudos and congrats to Daryl and Todd on a moving collaborate show.  It was great to finally meet and hear Todd live after knowing him through this list.


On May 17, 2012, at 5:11 PM, daryl shawn <darylshawn@gmail.com> wrote:

I can't believe I neglected to announce this here, but for those loopers in NYC, Todd Reynolds and I will be doing our thing, with plenty of digital and analog looping both, tonight at Firehouse Space in Williamsburg. Will try to shoot some video for later dissertation.

8 pm, $10

This is our first time playing live together. SUPER excited.

Daryl Shawn