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Re: EchoLoop in Live -- any lick MIDI mapping with the FCB1010?

Isn't there a way to program the FCB so that a button push is a toggle, on then off? It it could send two quick button pushes to the looper, then that would work.

-----Original Message----- Well, I'm trying. I cleared all MIDI mapping to the looper in Live. I
created a MIDI track which gets its data from my FCB via my RME Fireface 
MIDI In. Then I sent the output of that MIDI track to the Aux B track that
is hosting the looper.  I also set my Record button on the FCB to Note #38.
The looper still isn't responding.

Actually using the MIDI Mapping on Live could potentially work fine.  I can
actually map any button on the looper to a MIDI note coming in from my FCB.
The problem is that when I press a button on my FCB, let's say to trigger
Record, Live sends it to the looper as a momentary button press, not 

So, in detail:

1. I go into the Live MIDI map mode.
2. I mouse click the Record button on the EchoLoop
3. I hit a button on the FCB controller
4. It creates a MIDI map line item in the MIDI map screen:  Note D1;
Record; min value is 0; max value is 1
5. I exit MIDI map mode
6. I hit my Record button on the FCB controller
7. The value for the Record parameter (shown as a horizontal slider) in 
moves from 0 to 1, but stays at 1.
8. The Record button on the looper lights up for a moment and nothing
happens - basically a reset (Record button hold)

Now, if I quickly hit my FCB record button twice, very quickly, then the
looper starts to record!  So I need the button to act like a toggle.
Why Live does not allow me to change that behavior is baffling.  That would
be such a simple solution.


-----Original Message----- hi Kris,
Per's right.
Ableton is a tech support nightmare because people really
want to use midi-learn/midi-map.
They don't help at all, you need to pass the midi straight through
to the plugin.
...and the fcb1010 has to be programmed as if for a Hardware EDP.

If you *have* got midi-learn stuff set-up then it can only interfere
with how it all should work.

Essentially, you just need to plug your virtual midi cable into the plugin.
(except that the UI in Ableton isn't all that user friendly).

I'll send you a copy of my HOWTO off-list (it has screenshots that don't
travel by mailing list).
