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Re: EchoLoop in Live -- any lick MIDI mapping with the FCB1010?

Right.  When you use MIDI mapping in Live the plugin doesn't receive MIDI
at all, it just sees changes to the parameter values.  If EchoLoop is
exposing a VST parameter for each function and you associate this
parameter with a MIDI note, Live treats this as a toggle switch.  The
first note on/off will set the parameter to it's highest value and the
second note on/off will set it to it's lowest value.  I would imagine
EchoLoop is expecting to see parameter >0 mean "down" and parameter 0 mean
"up".  If so then unless you press the MIDI switch twice quickly you will
get long-press behavior.


On 5/18/12 12:35 PM, "andy butler" <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

>Kris Hartung wrote:
>> Actually using the MIDI Mapping on Live could potentially work fine.
>I don't think it passes midi Note-Off to the plugin.