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Re: @Anders, about the Octatrack (I make it public so that everybody can learn more about it)

Thank you all!! I tried loading some of the downloads from ot website and put them in the folder, but when I tried to retrieve from ot, they wouldn't show up, and the file was still in folder.  Thanks again. Any info is greatly appreciated. I really really  want to make this machine work, I want to sync it with my maschine some day........kelly

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, "Sergio G" <simpliflying@gmail.com> wrote:

Nah, but the factory stuff is just for the demo. I also received my used one with a formatted card so nothing inside.
I watched the tutorial in Elektron site, I have created a set, a project, loaded samples (I have downloaded from Elektron site the three free demo samples pack from loopmasters, and copied the folders into the AUDIO folder of the Project in the OT card -OT was connected via usb).
Then I used those samples to do trials while watching other tutorials.

Watch the tutorials in Elektron site :)

From: mark@markfrancombe.com
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 22:06:34 +0200
Subject: Re: @Anders, for the OT (I make it public so that anybody can learn more about the OT)
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com

Wow that sounds harsh... theres no way to reload all the factory stuff?

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 8:39 PM, kelly maxwell <apacheci5@hotmail.com> wrote:
I have had an Ot for 6 months and only had about 4 hours to spend with it. I accidentally erased all of the demo sounds in it and have had a  of a rough time loading my own sounds and using them. I watched the tutorials by octatrack and have had little result. I am interested in learning with u........ Kelly

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 10, 2012, at 5:17 AM, "mark francombe" <mark@markfrancombe.com> wrote:

I'll just pipe in here Sergio, I went thru all these...


...at the weekend, and it was probably usefull IF I HAD an OT sat there in front of me, which I dont!

Im very much interested in joining you as one of the OT owners here, but have to sell stuff first and even then need to see if its really what I need. I want it PARTLY for the looping, but I do have 3 other loopers already. Im not looking for a replacement, but very interested in the triggering and morphin of params... IN COMBINATION with drum-machine style pre-prep stuff. If I can program some midi for external gear, even better... but its alot about HOW I can control this, and can I cut n paste between projects or spin things in, in synch, on the fly WITHOUT pre-prep. I THINK so, using the audio pool, with good foldering of samples it LOOKS like one can do everything without stopping the machine. (The main issue I have with Electribe actually.. that one cant record audio to a sample without stopping the drum-machine)

Love to hear how you get on... we expect a daily report here, with samples !!!



On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Sergio G <simpliflying@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Anders!

I have three questions for you! :)

1) do you know if there are trusty, reliable video tutorial about the OT, starting from ZERO (for who just opened the package), and with the new OS?
In Synthopia I saw a video which drove me CRAZY till I realized "damn, wait, maybe it was made with an old OS". It was IMPOSSIBLE to reproduce what he was doing... :) And it was indeed made with the first OS!

2) I see that the quick live usability could be a problem with all those menus and combinations of buttons. I wonder if it would not be possible to automatize some commands with a midi (foot or hand) controller, so that I can just push one button and the OT would execute a sequence of command without me having to open thousand menus.

3) Suppose that I have 4 tracks with 4 different samples, not too long, but not just one note. Something like "du-bi-da-bi-di-bu-pi-ram-pam-ta-ta-ta", just to say.
I want to be able to press the button corresponding to that track, and have the track playing only till I hold down the button. But I cannot. If I press one track button it will play till its end.
I want to be able to play with the tracks very quickly, deciding how long must play each one. 
But even if I use the mute function, then when I unmute it will not start from the beginning, and I want to start from the beginning!
Is it possible?


From: anders_e_bergdahl@hotmail.com
To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: RE: OT arrived!!!
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 21:40:32 +0000

good news... hope you will enjoy it :-)

From: simpliflying@gmail.com
To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: OT arrived!!!
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 13:15:34 +0000

HEY Delightful brothers!

It is here.
Arrived. Still packed, I am at work in this moment so I cannot open it but tonight is the night with my new baby, and love will flow!
Now Anders, you are not alone anymore.
I mean that I will ask you lot of things, ahahah!

Mark Francombe
twitter @markfrancombe

Mark Francombe
twitter @markfrancombe