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RE: Seeking Inspiration

Hey Michael,

The creative process is what I enjoy most about looping with my multiple looper-sync'd JamMan XT rig.  

I go into extensive setup and process details in the notes for my videos and in reviews on line, won't repeat that stuff here, Google 'Rejyna JamMan XT' if you'd like all that verbiage.  

Bottom line is the way I have it setup and the process I use (including the foot save/save up a patch overdub/save/save up a patch overdub, etc process) just brings out so much spontaneous energy.  

I later stitch and mix the loops on a DAW, but it is the brain buzz I get from the freedom of having a foot-controlled multi-track on the floor - helps me sleep at night, helps me pay better attention to the rest of my life tasks.  

Helps me find myself on a regular sonic basis, reminds me who I am, what I am about.

Plus, I agree with most of what the rest of the gang has mentioned.

Peace and loop large,


From: 3x09@carlsonarts.com
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Seeking Inspiration
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 15:47:02 +0000

Hello all,

I am putting together a new rig, and experiencing the normal challenges along the way, but I’m sure I can figure that all out eventually. However, I thought I would post a different sort of question than we usually see on this list. I would post it on FB but I don’t generally frequent that.  So here goes:

What do you love about looping?

And, I’m not talking the general stuff like “I don’t need a band,” or “I like to hear my own voice layered 12 times” (guilty). 

What is it about the aesthetic, ethos and the creative process that appeals to you?

I’m hoping that some of your answers will spark more energy for me to tackle my technical roadblocks.  I’ll do some thinking and answer my own question later. I don’t want your answers to be a response to mine and I want to give it some thought.

Peace and adventure,

Michael Carlson

Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Gans
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎February‎ ‎5‎, ‎2016 ‎9‎:‎43‎ ‎AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com

The reset did not happen.

Exchange with TC on twitter - they think the unit needs more than 300 mA even though it says right on the unit that it expects 300 mA. They recommend I use the wall wart that came with it, but alas that wall wart is at home in Oakland and I am in LA heading for Arizona.

I guess I’m gonna stop at a music store in Pasadena and buy a new TC wall wart. Hope it works!

Than you for the advice, groupmind…