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AW: QY100 and Handsonic

Hi Daniel
Brilliant man! 
im the one who is been asking lately about the QY100 and how to do 
sequencing looping so is really great to see this in action!
can you develop more on the proccess? do you sequence every part and start 
looping in realtime ? didnt hear a click track how do you cue to start?


--- Daniel Berkman <danielberkman@mac.com> schrieb am Mo, 12.10.2009:

> Von: Daniel Berkman <danielberkman@mac.com>
> Betreff: QY100 and Handsonic
> An: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Datum: Montag, 12. Oktober 2009, 13:41
> Hey there Liveloopers!
> I've been following your emails for a couple months now.
> Really great work and a great forum for sharing all this
> loop related stuff!
> I, for one, use the Line 6 DL4, the Oberheim Echoplex and
> an RC50. I'm definitely wanting to branch out into software
> looping.
> I've dabbled in Guitar Rig's looper (glitchy but cool) and
> wanting to explore Abelton Live. For now, though, I'm
> addicted to the hardware pedals and in particular, the DL4.
> There have also been quite a few emails regarding the QY100
> and I just wanted to share a couple of youtube vids I did
> featuring the QY, the Line 6 DL4 and the Roland Handsonic.
> Enjoy!
> http://www.youtube.com/user/colfaxsound#p/u/4/KAPQkAsooZM
> http://www.youtube.com/user/colfaxsound#p/u/3/tNgBKpzZo54
> Hope to see you guys in Santa Cruz this weekend!
> Cheers,
> Colfax (aka. Daniel Berkman)

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