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Re: Bowing Stick - practice session clip shared

> Per Boysen wrote:
> > If you look
> > at guitar playing technique, it really is not a multitasking musical
> > craft as much as it focuses on learning both hands to become synced
> > parts of one major musical gesture.
> I'm not so sure about that, I think it rather focusses on a
> certain type of guitar playing.

I think I agree with Per here but I'm not sure what is meant by 
"multi-tasking musical craft". Any instrument is played by a person who is 
definitely multi-tasking no matter what instrument. A performer must 
combine technique with interpretation unless that performer is just trying 
to be annoying. Plus, you have to remember the piece you're playing unless 
it's an inprov, in which case you have to access an entire range of 
"tasks" to produce something that might be fresh & functional.

> Traditionally the *electric* guitar isn't used to play multiple strands
> in a piece of music.
> ...but the guitar itself, like the lute, is designed to play 2 or 3
> polyphonic lines each which a distinct sound and character.

> Don't know if multi-task "polyphonic" guitar playing also makes
> it easier...I suspect it would.
HUH? What is multi-task "polyphonic" guitar playing?

Mark Showalter
Minden Jot!

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