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Re: Logic Pro 199,- download / Mainstage 2.2

Thanks Per, it's starting to make sense, I hope I'll have tome to work
on this soo.

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some quick MS info from the top of my head (bouncing out big files now
> from a mix so I can't open the appl to check details):
> Yes, you're right that MS works a lot like a mixer does, that's
> correct as for signal routing. But MS also has its own concept for
> controlling the mixer and inserted or (send/return) looped effects.
> This concept builds has three aspects that are represented by three
> alternative modes to work on your session:
> 1) Layout Mode - connect with the outer world by MIDI.
> First window, called up by hitting cmd-1. Here you create the
> graphical control symbols you need for whatever control you plan to
> perform. Example: if you want to just record loops, overdub into them
> and adjust loop feedback you need three the three objects 2 buttons
> and one fader (or knob). Ok, drag in the objects and drop them inside
> the Layout Mode window. Select an object and click "learn" in the left
> column where the selected object's characteristics are displayed. Send
> in external MIDI by kicking a MIDI floor pedal, pushing a keyboard
> key, hitting a MIDI button or whatever physical control gadget you
> happen to have connected to the computer. Done.
> 2) Edit Mode - connect with internal software world of effects, mixer
> and instruments.
> Second Window, called up by hitting cmd-2. Here you create patches.
> For each patch you create and tweak channel strips holding effects and
> instruments if an instrument strip (there are also audio strips). Note
> if working on Patch Level or Concert Level. Any Aux Channel strip
> (send/return fx loop for example) created on Global level will be
> available in all other patches. But stuff you create at Patch Level
> will only be available when that patch is the active patch (good way
> to get rid of CPU intensive stuff when not needing them; swap to a
> different patch).
> 3) Performance Mode (cmd-3) and Full Screen Mode (cmd-4) - gig matching 
> status.
> Performance mode will let you keep other windows open, like if you
> want to see the SooperLooper or Mobius GUI window beside Mainstage's
> GUI. Full Screen Mode takes full advantage of the screen space and
> pushes other applications into the background. Optimally stable and
> looks good but you won't be able to check emails while in Full Screen
> Mode ;-)
> That's it. The trick to get into Mainstage is to know its two faces:
> First create a graphic representation of your physical control gear
> and and assign MIDI form physical to graphic objects, then assign
> control bindings from graphic objects to musical parameters in the
> software.
> cheers
> Per
> On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Sylvain Poitras
> <sylvain.trombone@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I jumped on the mainstage bandwagon when I saw that price...  all
>> those effects and instruments for $30 is hard to beat.  Plus, I can
>> keep all my Bidule patches and run them in the Bidule AU within
>> mainstage, so nothing is lost, better effects are gained...
>> However, I'm having a hard time with the user interface...  I'll have
>> to read through the manual.  I'm used to cabling little boxes
>> together, but it looks like I'll have to understand how a mixer works.
>> I want the audio in to go to my bidule AU and from there to my effect
>> patches.  So I think this means I need a strip at concert level with
>> bidule so that it shows up in every patch.  I haven't had much time to
>> play with it, and it doesn't look like it's gonna happen before
>> Christmas...