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Gibson / Oberheim
Echoplex Digital Pro

The Echoplex Digital Pro Plus

Introduced: January 2003

The Original Oberheim "EDP"

Introduced: October 1994 by Gibson's Oberheim division
Relabeled: June 2001 as the Gibson Echoplex Digital Pro
Replaced: January 2003 by the "Plus" version

Echoplex News

(1/20/2003) - Gibson is now shipping the Echoplex Digital Pro Plus, which is the Echoplex upgraded with the new LoopIV software from Aurisis Research, inventors of the Echoplex. Oh, and it is now black!

(6/20/2002) - Andre LaFosse today announced his Echoplex Analysis Pages. This is a wonderful Echoplex and Looping tutorial site created by expert EDP player Andre LaFosse. He goes through his own evolution of using the Echoplex in various ways and styles of music, explaining the details of how he used the EDP. He covers everything from ambient use to his current "Turntablist Guitar" style with LoopIV. Tons of great audio examples included. Check it out!

(6/10/2002) - LoopIV is here!! wow, big Echoplex news today, Aurisis Research has announced the long-awaited LoopIV upgrade for the EDP. The press release from Aurisis is here at the Aurisis web site. Or just go directly to the Aurisis LoopIV site, they have feature lists, manuals, and audio examples there. We'll have more at Looper's Delight about this soon.

Click here for older news items

LoopIV for the Echoplex LoopIV is the long awaited, massive new software generation for the Echoplex, from Aurisis Research. Any Echoplex can be upgraded to LoopIV. Aurisis has much info on their site about the new features, as well as ordering infromation. This link goes to their site until we get more details up here at LD. Aurisis is the company that developed the Echoplex for Gibson, if you didn't know.
The Gibson Echoplex Digital Pro Plus Manual This is the definitive Echoplex manual, covering all the features. All new Loop IV functions are integrated, plus the manual has been reorganized for clarity. Written by Kim Flint.
LoopIV Upgrade Manual This is the manual from Aurisis Research for their new LoopIV software for the Gibson/Oberheim Echoplex. It just explains the new stuff, see the original manual for everything the Echoplex did already.
LoopIV Feature list Quicker to read, this is the list of new features in LoopIV from the Aurisis site.
The Gibson/Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro Manual This is the original EDP manual. It's in PDF format, 442k. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader. It doesn't include the new LoopIV stuff, but it has everything else.
The Echoplex Analysis Pages This is a wonderful Echoplex and Looping tutorial site created by expert EDP player Andre LaFosse. He goes through his own evolution of using the Echoplex in various ways and styles of music, explaining the details of how he used the EDP. He covers everything from ambient use to his current "Turntablist Guitar" style with LoopIV. Tons of great audio examples included. Check it out!
Echoplex and LoopIV audio examples Aurisis put up this page with some user examples of the new LoopIV features on the EDP.
Gibson / Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro FAQ Version:  10
Updated: 9/2002 

A growing collection of Gibson Echoplex info, mostly written by Kim in response to various user questions, originally compiled by Andre LaFosse. Check here before you ask.

Echoplex Soundiver ADA file Use Emagic's SoundDiver editor/librarian program to control the Echoplex with this ADA file written by Claude Voit. Edit, save, and restore presets, edit individual parameters on the fly, etc. This makes the sysex interface of the Echoplex simple!
MIDI Commands Spreadsheet This helpful Excel spreadsheet was also created by Claude Voit. It shows the locations of all MIDI commands for the Echoplex, updated for values you enter for Source#, ControlSource, and MIDI Channel. It calculates the Hex string for you also. You need to have the "analysis pack" macros installed in Excel for it to work. Two versions are included, the "ENG" one should work better in English versions of Excel.
Gibson's Echoplex Digital Pro page Another page on the Gibson site. This is now the main page for the echoplex. Includes an online manual and pics of the Echoplex sporting a Gibson logo.
Gibson Echoplex Press Release A new press release from Gibson for the "re-release" of the echoplex, from 5/21/2001. This is a page at Harmony Central.
Aurisis Research LoopIV Press Release The announcement from Aurisis about LoopIV, including controversial quotes. This is a page at Harmony Central.
Gibson / Oberheim Echoplex Playing Hints Written by Matthias Grob, this was a section in the original Paradis LoopDelay Manual. Matthias has revised it for the Echoplex to include here. Even though it is Echoplex oriented, there are lots of great ideas for any looper.
Gibson / Oberheim Echoplex Reverse Tricks Written by Kim Flint. You knew Reverse was fun, but you had no idea it could be this fun!
How the Gibson / Oberheim Echoplex Came Together The inspiring story of how the Oberheim Echoplex came to exist. Written by it's inventor, Matthias Grob.
Gibson / Oberheim Echoplex Footpedal Tutorial A tutorial by Kim Flint, telling all there is to know about using footpedals with the Echoplex.
Search the Looper's Delight Mailing List Archives for Echoplex Comments Get ready, you'll find a lot of it.
Gibson Echoplex Review Echoplex review at Onstage Magazine
Gibson Echoplex User Reviews at Harmony Central See what other folks have to say about it.
Search Usenet Archives for Echoplex posts See discussion on Usenet about the Gibson/Oberheim Echoplex.
The Oberheim Echoplex Upgrade - LoopIII v5.0 Info on the older Oberheim Echoplex upgrade, including the release notes from Aurisis Research. The LoopIIIv5.0 upgrade has been shipping in all new Echoplexes since July, 1997. For units made before then, the upgrade can be purchased directly from Aurisis for $45. To get one, contact Aurisis at upgrade@aurisis.com.
The Lexicon JamMan / Oberheim Echoplex comparison Lots of people ask questions about the differences between these two. This page is a start, but is by no means complete. If you can think of anything to add or correct, please let me know! Oh, and since Matthias created version 1.0, it may be a little biased. Not too bad, though. As soon as we get some more info on it, it'll even out.
British Audio Service British Audio Service is a good place to try if you need repair or servicing for an Echoplex Digital Pro. Shane Radtke is probably the best person available for Echoplex service. They also sell replacement parts for the Echoplex, like footswitches, pots, etc.

Contacting Gibson Customer Service

sometimes people get confused and think LD is the Gibson support dept. Here is the correct info.

If you need to contact somebody at Gibson for Echoplex customer service, repairs, locating a dealer, or other questions their email is service@gibson.com. Their phone number is 1-800-444-2766. If you are looking to buy an Echoplex DP now or in the future, give them a call to find a dealer near you.
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