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Matthias counts up who's interested in doing a CD ... > So far: > David > Matthias > Ted > Collier > Todd > Ray > Michael > I see, only seven, and not very convinced / with 250$ readdy. Several more people have replied to my original tape exchange proposal, and might or might not be interested in the CD thingie. Please, would the people who only replied to the tape proposal say if they're interested in doing the CD thing (with the specifics - money etc - still to be clarified) ? Adding the people who specifically reacted to the CD proposal, my count looks like this (quite possible that I missed someone - please raise your hand!) Andre LaFosse Dave Trenkel David Kirkdorffer David Orton Doug Michael Jon Morris Louis Collier Hyams Matthias Grob Michael Hughes Michael Peters Patrick Smith Ray Peck Ted R. Killian Todd Madson A looping friend of mine (Leander) who has no computer/email yet would also like to participate. Matthias: Has Kim already commented on the LoopPool tapes you sent him? Anyway: If we can successfully sort out the money etc issues, there might easily turn out to be too many participants for 1 CD - we might have to do a double CD! I think this would be cool too. It seems sensible that someone listens to all the recordings, and decides on inclusion on the CD or not (I myself would prefer a CD with a wide variety of styles and artistic quality, and I'd include everything if it's not too long and if the sound quality is acceptable). I propose that Matthias does this job because his unfinished LoopPool project was just the same thing. We could even ask David Torn if he would feel like participating in some way - I seem to remember that he had a similar project in mind as well. -Michael