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In fact I use midi loops. The main reason is money. I still don't own one these beauties wa talk about so often. So, the only way to have long loops for me was 1) use my multitrack recorder to repaet muiscal (or not) phrases during as long as I want and do that many times then mix it, and doeas look almost like aloop (in fact not beacause you hear many subtle differences since one does not paly exactly the same thing twice, but well...) 2) I use my old Cubase 2.0 running on a not less old Atari 1040st, mich makes a midi delay you can programm as you want with the little detail that you can not have more than a full note as a delay length, but with a tempo of 30 running, it mean almost 8 second of delay which still is for me like heaven. The good thing is I can record the loop on midi, I can change the sounds whnever I want. I can edit it like i add a audio loop on a good direct to disk machine for 150 bucks. Well that is not true, you have to add the price of the synth guitar I use with. OM