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Trips to Mars And Back for FREE!!! Ahemmm.... "THE DIVINE SPIRIT OF THE ARMY OF MARS" ( AOM for short ) HAS CLAIMED OLDE CITY, PHILADELPHIA AS ITS EARTHLY BASE OF IMPERIAL ASCENT: NEW RECRUITS ARE NEEDED ASAP !!!!! WE HAVE SECRETLY RETURNED TO EARTH AFTER A 3000 YEAR ABSCENCE!!! 2 very Normal (but ugly looking by Earthly standards)/different thinking Martian Males in an All Original " Spacey Dance Fusion Band " (We're a mix of Analog & heavy Digital sounding Loop Stuff ) Seek a visually oriented (*Drug Free*) Strong Talent, Paradoxical, Mystical/Spiritual, Female Voc/Lyricist w/ keen pop sensibilities avoiding obvious cliches, heavy into structure and abandon, (**transcending influences to the point that they are irrelevant or untraceable **), Ruler of an ultra smart set of instincts and a positive mind set that ain't in the least bit cynical. You're mature ( 25 & up the Biggest plus! We're all between 28-30 Earth years ourselves), You live in Downtown Philly, You have a sincerely complex but engaging personality, You're into LOTS of DIFFERENT styles of Music and Ethnic Expressions, You're Extremely/Mega Open Minded beyond all reasonable sanity plus you're full of what you consider to be truly brilliant and magnificent musical(NON-mUSICAL) and creative/subversive/theatrical ideas. You dare to Believe that you could pull all of this STUFF ofF seamlessly provided the right types of celestial creatures were working closely with you. You're a very talented writer and can deliver an engaging performance THAT the entire galaxy can marvel at for centuries to come. You've waited most of your Life for this moment because you knew someday "The Divine Spirit of The Army of Mars" would arrive yet again on The Planet Earth. You have a deep & burning desire to be in one band for however long its gonna be good, You're someone who understands subtlety/restraint and you're eager to embrace an alternative to the "alternative/indie thang" but at a level that is beyond rock's current pallette of "tin eared" rehashes. You're bored by what you see and hear In the LoCal "ScEne" but you're clearly not JadEd,... you're just sick of all "tHE Scenes". You're deeply motivated to do something else. Optional: iDEALLY You hated the 70's but you do recall watching Space 1999 an awful lot. You can't stand the thought of being in a "local band" that sounds... well..."local". You also have a great deal of patience and a gREAT sense of humor. UnDERStANd We two "Martians" are truly an ugly bunch but damn good players, come join WITH us NOW!! ***IF you've read ALL OF this LONGWINDED vErBIAGE THIS far!!, You might as well run to the nearest earthly phone or get on the net & make contact with us: John Price 215.592.9963 phone,, E-Mail.