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I'm currently very explicity _not_ recording any of my current looping efforts, in an effort to free me to restart loops while I explore certain aspects of things... this is a little sad when I get something good (capturing the loop after the fact isn't that intereting to me because it's the evolution that I find exciting). Lately I've been focussing on two things: putting effects before the loop vs. after the loop, and making "sound fx" with the guitar. For the latter, this mostly involves pick-against-string noises or very quick volume pedal decays of other sounds. These sounds would not be very interesting by themselves, but looped they can become much denser and interesting. For the former, the thing I've been noticing is how with some effects, the effect before the loop is "destructive" and the effect after the loop is "constructive", in the following sense (I'm borrowing the terms literally from wave theory): if you take a very dramatic effect like a tremolo, and run the loop through it, you get an effect like the looper was a keyboard--a polyphonic instrument being run through an effect... all the notes get louder and quieter at the same time, so it feels much more like a single instrument. Whereas, if you put the effect before the loop, then two notes coming out of the looper have already been tremolo'd, and they're not in sync, so one is getting louder as the other is getting softer... this sounds much more like a delay, or a multi-track... Both of these effects are useful... frequent recent listens in no particular order: Portishead _Dummy_ Lisa Germano _Happiness_ and _Excerpts from a Love Circus_ The Smiths _Meat is Murder_ and _The Smiths_ King Crimson _Beat_ (just transcribed most of _Neil and Jack and Me_) Sarah McLachlan _Touch_ and _Fumbling towards Ecstasy_ Therapy _Troublegum_ Marillion _Misplaced Childhood_ and a few recent loopist purchases (Fripp, Torn, Durant) Sean Barrett