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dmgraph wrote: > > Does anyone have precise details concerning the Echoplex 5.0 upgrade? > Pat Murphy at Oberheim told me they are about to burn the ROMs and that > they should be available in a couple of weeks for $45. At the moment > I'm most concerned about enhanced sync-from-MIDI-clock capabilities. > Kim? I've been using 5.0 for about a month now, and have actually been utilizing the sync-to-MIDI mode pretty extensively. It's a smoother ride; you don't have to reset all of the parameters if you want to erase a loop and create a new one -- just leave the clock running and record a new one as you please. As with just about every other aspect of the Echoplex, the upgrade makes the MIDI parameters a little more seamlessly integrated. One somewhat strange thing I've noticed has to do with reversing a loop while still slaved to MIDI clock. On most occasions, I've found that after engaging the reverse command (via the UNDO parameter bank), the "000" reading will show in the display for several repetitions of the loop, after which the reverse will finally take effect. It's entirely probable that this is due to some parameter setting which I'm presently ignorant of; if anyone could shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it. --Andre