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I don't use the lexicon footswitch, (use a midi pedal) so I've not experienced that weirdness, but after a memory upgrade, I left a loop running and after a while it crashed. The display went to +18 and the music stopped. This happened several times immediately after the upgrade, but has since stopped. I'm wondering if it will be back ( at the least opportune time for sure) or was the problem just burn in of the new zips? > ---------- > From:[] > Sent: Monday, February 23, 1998 1:23 PM > To: John_Ott@ATK.COM > Subject: Re: Jamman goes down during live performance. > > The LoOpDoctOrs are sad to report that they too have experienced > frequent > footpedal weirdness interactions with said Jamman quarter inch. Ours > grokked > just last Friday. > > What gives? > > Best, > the LoOpDoctOrs >