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> >re there other interesting combinations? > Well, my guitar effects are in stereo and feed into the mixer in stereo. Same for my keyboards. That all goes to the main amp / pa in stereo. (and/or the recording system) But I only have one JamMan so the effect loop for looping is in mono on the mixer aux1 and then feeds both channels on the mixer. I control what gets feed to the JamMan on the mixer. I also send a mono signal from the mixer stereo guitar channel to a fender guitar amp for guitar feedback. (aux 2 send) So I have Stereo guitar (effects) and Stereo Keyboards with mono looping on the PA and Stereo guitar going to a mono amp. I'd need a mixer with more aux sends to get the guitar amps in stereo. (and a second amp) It seems to work OK like it is. later John