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Hi everbody! I`m impressed by all your gigging activity. More precisely: I`m green with envy >from reding all the posts on what you have done with looping. Mutimedia >projects , Solo loopconcerts , duos that use looping, compositions with looping....and so on..... I am happy for all of you , and thankful that you are out there , bringing looping to the masses. My question is this: How in the H.. do you get the gigs?? How do approach the venues? I can`t picture myself telling them " I play guitar into a recorder and build clouds of sound , wich I then play over." and actually get a gig. I`d love a thread on this , and ANY help you can give will be greatly appreciated. Yours , respectfullly and befuddled , Thomas W BTW , I live in Oslo , Norway.........("the Astoria up in Cleveland is auditioning right now")