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<<QUESTIONS: <<In general why loop or sample at all? I mean so what? <<(; Firstly, I loop because it is something I can do on my own. I do not own a car, only a bicycle, and It is not very easy to play with other musicians without a car, especially with the gear! So looping Is a way to get away from just noodling by myself. Secondly, I loop because it is one of the most fun things I have ever done. It is a constant pleasure to hear sounds on sounds, against sounds, that I did by myself. Thirdly, I loop because I want to capture or create in some way the magic I hear on music like "No Pussyfooting" and some of the things I heard Living Colour do live once. <<Who has access, that is, look away from yourself and ask yourself why do I <<do this? Why don't other people? Is it just that they don't know? Or is <<there some differentiation you might like to take on? I have observed that other musicians with the ability and knowledge of gear do not "loop" because of: A dislike or suspicion of any technological "sullying" of their music. A dislike of artists associated with looping A preference for live music with other musicians. Dismissal of solo looping as nothing more than a gimmick <<When you loop etc. what instruments or sounds do you tend to use and why? <<What's so special about your guitar, your synth, and your loop/sample <<product? Why is it relevant or why is it just slack? I mean really so <<what? <<(; I play a guitar and a 5-string bass because I have built up good skills on them, and can play challenging sequences on them. They feel "natural" to me. I can also do odd things with them and a few effects, which I like. I play my synth keyboard and my midi guitar synth because of the canvas of sounds to choose from. I use my GT-5 because it allows you to control ANYTHING if you have enough ideas. I wish it had more delay and an internal signal router/mixer though. <<On the Echoplex what are your favourite choice knobs and what types of <<sounds do you find most exciting? I hear all kinds of talk about how <<exhilarating it is, does this live up to it's calling? What does <<specifically does the Echoplex do that rivets you to the Loopdom!? If you <<don't use the Echoplex, why? and what do you use? I use a zoom 4-sec delay because it is all I have. I do not have an Echoplex because they cost $2850 with footpedal and 1Mb memory in Australia. I also do not have an Echoplex because I have not heard back from Rik at Bananas at large yet. (Rik, are you still ou there? :) ) I want an Echoplex badly. <<Almost lastly, is there a sampling looping culture? This kind of reflects <<earlier, but here we sit typing e-mail to a list, this implies something of <<our nature. Also the locale of most of the individuals, and numerous other <<issues unbeknownst to me. What might typify loopers/samplers? Is that <<everything does, "hell we could be anybody?!" And further is there a <<certain communion experienced? I only loosely feel part of a looping sub-culture. Mainly due to this list. I don't know any other loopers personally. <<Lastly, what do you want to see for looping or sampling <<that is lacking now? Do you want something more intuitive that <<anticipates, or responds more in line w<<ith you? Is there a danger to the "detente" (; or easing of relations <<between complexity and simplicity? <<Or do you think that intuitive systems might continue complexity, new avenues? I only think that we will see good looping tools if there is a creative drive towards developing them from interested people, with the design ability to carry it off. I am sure some people both on and off this list qualify for that, but they should work together. In a few years I will start designing some loop products, I am sure. But I must first research. <<And dead lastly, while you may want looping or sampling to go a certain <<direction, where do you think it is headed and why do you think it is <<positive or negative? I observe looping to be heading in the electronic domain, like drum and bass stuff, but evolving into a much more eclectic state. I think it may not be long before looping ensembles are common in these fields of music. Although they might not call themselves that. I would like looping to be the future of recording, not expensive studios. jamie lack