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I said somethin to this effect b4 a while bk. Statement: Looping doesnât have a larger audience because its simply tied to artists that donât move a lot of product to a large and mass audiences. Looping still is home to the overly analytical and cerebral types of energy. Those folks do more damge than good to music in any category cause they reduce music to something less than the gifts it can bear. Now There are tons o' people loopin but you still often tend to think of them as cello or flute wielding, or quasi jazz/neo-classical, improvisationalists/guitarists who have always been an acquired tatse. ( though nonetheless an extremely important niche in the bigger pic that reaches across a lot of generes ). I guess Im praising and damning in some ways traditional loopers. Damning The traditionalists type traditionalist for not changing or evolving into areas that they arent usually comfortable with or usually seen as developing and thriving. ( All Based on the assumption that there is such a thang as a trad. looper) Trad. Looping often misses the danger, crudeness and visial stimulation you'd say ( & this is just a very crude examlple for discussions sake ) you could find at like a cock rock show or better yet a Prince show. Only a handful of loopers seem to be doing their thing where theres that Pop Culture element of danger, Funk, trash...sexiness and good ol' ego to it. Anyone and everyone can be moody and edgy but not many loopers aren't sexy looking or have star quality young looks and fresh sounds that are easilly recognizable and embraceable by the masses. Just an observation here ... & not my personal opinion in the slightest. God knows Im an ugly looking thing and my sounds tend to fall into the traditionalist category!! I was just thinking bout this over the weekend an awful lot. You always have to have a need ( a market ) or actively create a need around something or someone who is visable and viable beyond just the conceptual phase of expanding a concept amongst an already sold audience. Im always amazed when posters say gee its amazing what this stuff can do and isnt this and that and so on neat ..and what about this feature of the technology.. great , Huh ??? And it comes down to .. its a shame no one is into this. Most ( not all but most ) loop artists forsake the Pop Culture ego for the "higher ground" and never waver from a fixed perspective of performance and delivery which is often rigid & rightfully uncompromising in principle. I think that devotion often times gets misinterpreted as conceit or moreover its outward perception is one of a certain exclusivity which scares off a lot of folks who may be curious and willing to try or listen to a different perspective. The biggest disadvantage to looping is that Most loopers are still for the most part a largely white/male middle class/age thang that attracts mostly the same to all of its shows. Thats neither good or bad rather its a statement drawn from personal observations. Also Word of mouth wonât bring looping any further than where it currently stands today. Web Posting and Web Broadcasting in RA wont do it either unless its tied to or part of a focused artist and or manufacturerâs or Renowned Venue's Or better yet, a Well Financed Labels's marketing thrust. Organizing can help somewhat but in the end it seems you only have more people with you who are gonna be no better off than before... other than the fact that you are together and have each other as a psychologocal and social/creative means of support. It wouldnât hurt to have someone Mix it up with big or widely recognized people in key mags like musician, Gtr player, or just about anyone of those DnB mags you can get from a local book or record chain. Matthew Sweet endorses Roland products in their local user mag. Maybe a bi monthly or quarterly periodical which is either paper and or web based devoted to looping would help ( from a manufacturers perspective ) Talk to the Music Mag publishers of significance and see if you can get their backing for your affairs/shows in book shops or chains that carry their rags. All you want from the Mags is the Banner/logo and mention of you. Better yet organize a clinic on looping thru Manufactures & Publishers and or a combo of both. Last, Loopers need to reach out to artists that are perhaps on the surface appearing diametrically opposed to their being. Get together with the Tupacs of your community or the dj shadows or the Fresh Aire's or sonic youth's you can find. Step outside of yourself and you will always find a level of strenth and power that was never present in your work b4 (IMHO).