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Re: Esi-4000 sample program

>From lists@slip.net Fri Apr 10 13:30:47 1998
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>From: Trinitymid <Trinitymid@aol.com>
>Message-ID: <900c5fec.352e7fc0@aol.com>
>Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 16:23:27 EDT
>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
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>Subject: Esi-4000 sample program
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>Resent-Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 13:30:25 -0700
>Is there any program (for windows) that you can save and edit esi 
>samples.  If so please tell me.  i know sound forge does, but I'm short 
>cash right now.  i'm hoping to fine something freeware.
>     chris

>Hi Chris,

My name is Jamie and I have an esi-32. I am also looking for something 
similar. I dont know if sound forge will work or not. I use cool edit 
shareware and a soundblaster program that is called wave editer. I hate 
the way I have to sample but i dont got the $$Cheddar$$$ to but any phat 
programs, anyway have you got the new OS 3? I dont yet but will be... 
Can you save samples as ESI-32 format? let me know,
I live in Erie, PA and no one out here does any cool sampling and loops

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