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> Looks like its time for another episode of "irritated list owner's > unsubscribing diatribe." Enjoy. > OK, I don't say this very often (or ever), but seems like this is a good > time, since I'm now completely sick of spending so much time helping >people > with this. > > Subscribing and Unsubscribing to this mailing list, as with every other > mailing list on the entire Internet, is *AUTOMATED ON A SERVER*. That >means > that there is a computer where you send the request, and it handles it > automatically. There are *NO HUMANS* involved in this process. If you >post > a message like this to the list, there is no human (or at least no >willing > human) who will then go and send the commands to the server for you. You > have to do it all by yourself! > - There is only one way to spell the word "subscribe" and only one way to > spell "unsubscribe." Never in my life could I have imagined how many >ways > people could come up with to misspell these words. If the email has only > one word in it, is it really so hard to check that you've spelled it >right? > - If you get an error from the server from your request mail, don't >resend > the exact same thing to the server 600 times. Expecting different results > from the exact same actions is one definition of insanity. It's probably > also an indicator of pure, unadulterated stupidity. Try to be above that. > > - this is really not complicated. Just follow the directions, and you >will > be fine! >>>>> Is this guy angry cause people are jumping ship or what? <<<<< Duh! Maybe he's tired of dimwits who can't follow the most basic instructions ( and even when they send an email containing these instructions they can't seem to work out how to actually use them) If it was anywhere near April 1st I could have let this one slide but seriously, you must be joking! Why don't you get of your arse, read the exact same message you sent to the list and do it yourself! Somebody UNSUDSCRIDE this person so we can increase our average IQ a few points!