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> Our list-mate Steuart Liebig is a Meatball owner though and might be > willing to > add a few bass specific comments about *that* product... > >> i think that the matball is a pretty entertaining device for a bass (i play 6-string, so is has a pretty good range). it's not prgarammable tho', so if that's an issue for you, you may want to look into the waldorf. the meatball gets some pretty funky sounds and also can get some very subtle sounds depending on how you decide to set it up and your touch, etc. using it with other pedals (chorus, fuzz, etc.) can yield some pretty nice results. it has four different frequency ranges that it will boost. i use either the 2nd or 3rd most of the time. the 4th is the lowest voiced. it seems to add some serious low end, sub-sonic really. stig