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RE: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: ebay]]

        Damn . . . people seem to be getting pretty upset about this  . . 

        all i want to know is how about us 40-somethings sortaares?

> > Here's a hint... You haven't lived until you dump this cumbersome 
> > techno-crapola and gotten into your car and driven to the stores where
> you can
> > get the REAL story on the gear you're looking for! All the secret
> shortcuts and
> > hints the PROS use... Out there in the real world where men are men...
> etc. The
> > guys at the stores are EXPERTS at what they're selling and could save
> you a lot
> > of grief after some impulse buy at an online site! Join the real world
> you
> > geeks! 8->
> Well thanks for the hint Mike, but I guess everything is relative.Some
> folks have a busy life and don't have time to drive around all day. As a
> matter of fact, I feel I'm the EXPERT of what I like, and I recognize it
> online or in a magazine. In my opinion, the guys at the music store
> either seem to be highschool kids who play or maybe to you the 40year
> old long haired wannabe at the music store whose still waiting for his
> lucky break is the expert.    
>        If that's the real world for you Mike maybe you better go get a 
> Mel Bay book and run some jazz scales for your 19 yearold gtr teacher at
> the local music store, I heard he's got a new Van Halen riff he wants
> you to learn .. have a nice day....jp