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Hi all- I just finished completing the installation of 2 capacitors to my EDP to eliminate noise and must report it has worked perfectly! I can't say I am glad I had to do it but there is a certain sense of satisfaction- **Hey Kim, please disregard my former question regarding pin number- I went ahead assuming there was no serious risk involved if i used the wrong pin (like I know anything about that cryptic pc board!)** I am always amazed when looking closely at pc boards, they are 3 dimensional mazes that are amazing in form and amazing in that they produce the functions that they do- They design those boards on a software program now, but was it always that way?? I doub't it- it seems like it would take some serious thinking in the way of the old game "Simon", where you had to remember more and more of an overall pattern as you went along- but on a much more intricate level- Anyway folks- the mod works, oh- to make sure you have the correct "pin" count them from 1 to 8 from left to right while looking at the unit from the front. Take care, Clifford