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Re: why wall warts?

At 9:50 PM -0700 7/3/99, lance glover wrote:
>Matt Davignon wrote:
>> By the way, what's with these fat plugs? All of my older 
>> effects have the regular AC plugs just like anything else in my house. 
>> that they're being made again, they come with those annoying fat plugs. 
>> was that necessary? Newer versions of things are supposed to be smaller 
>> more convenient! The fact that my older pedals were built with those 
>> small plugs seems to prove that those fat plugs aren't really necessary!
>> could simply put the AC to DC adaptor right inside the pedal! It would 
>> the pedal a little bigger, but it would be a lot nicer!
>i read somewhere (possibly this list) that most signal processor 
>don't build in a power supply these days because 1. it is cheaper and 2. 
>helps with overseas marketability...

that's not it at all. I'm an electronics expert, and in my professional
opinion wall warts are the work of Satan. Plain and simple. Electronics
engineers throughout the world have been possessed by evil demons, forcing
them to use these hellish devices in all their designs. They are intended
to bring pain and suffering upon mankind, a harbringer of the apocalypse!

You must resist the temptation of the hell-spawned wall wart! Do not allow
this evil into your life or risk eternal damnation for yourself and your
family! Throw this evil from your home immediately.  Raise your voice to
high heaven in protest of this scourge that the Dark Lord of Evil has
wrought upon us! It is your only hope for salvation, save yourself now!


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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