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Re: HD Audio delay

Matt -
  Are you using a mixer? On my setup, I had this problem (not MIDI, right? 
because that's a dif. issue).  One simple thing that is very helpful is 
to mute the track you're recording onto- mute it in VIsion. You will still 
record it, but the monitor you will hear will be coming from your mixer 
(keyboard, whatever) before it goes in, and on the return from the 
you will hear all the tracks but not the delayed new track you are 
recording. does this make sense? also, using a mixture of mute/ alt 3-4 
sends on your mixer can route things the way you want them (ie; hearing 
previous tracks, but not having them go back into the new track you're 
Patty Boss

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From: Matt Peterson <matt@xoom.com>
Reply-To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
To: <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>
Subject: Re: HD Audio delay
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 99 09:59:09 -0700
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Sean, VisionDSP probably has a memory buffer setting somewhere (I'm used
to ProTools and haven't used Vision for quite some time).  If you set the
buffer to the lowest possible size you'll get much less delay.  Reset it
to higher values after recording so you can use more plug-ins.  Also,
don't use any plug-ins in real-time.  They will inevitably cause delays.


8/4/99 5:22 PM   Sean Witters (seanwitters@hotmail.com) wrote:

 >I'm using a 400Mhz Powerbook G3 w/ 192 megs RAM and a 6GB hard drive 
 >Opcode VisionDSP and I've noticed an increased delay between the acutal 
 >played and the note being recorded. I'm using the 16bit audio in and 
 >the G3 enhanced Acadia/Soundmanager for my Audio source.  Any help here?
 >I'm getting really frustrated.  I just added some VST pluggins, might they
 >be the source?
 >Thanks, Sean

Matt Peterson
Project Manager, Media Services
XOOM.com, Inc.
300 Montgomery St., 3rd Floor
San Francisco CA 94104
415-288-2505    FAX: 415-288-2575    matt@xoom.com

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