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Dear Todd, Have to concur, going with a Steinberger GL series (possibly two just in case of string breakage) a GR-30, SH-075, or AX-100SB along with a rack unit with a reverb, mayhap an EFX rack unit, a MIDI Controller, and then some form of powered mixer and set of PA Speakers is probably one of the lighter setups, I've ever seen on the one-man band thing, though I've seen a few gigs where it was just a person and a single instrument, too, but for this list, let's face it, we're gonna be taking in a few extra pieces of equipment... On the Powered Mixer and PA Speakers, I've had some seriously good luck with the Carvin equipment. Hope this helps. Now, if only I could find a few reasonably priced Steinberger GL's... ;) Tchus, Lee-ohki.