Support | wrote: > From: Tom Ritchford <> > the question is, will internet delivery eventually replace CDs? and the > answer is of course. I'm afraid that I'll have to disagree, Tom. DVD or some other higher capacity medium will replace the CD. Here's why I say that. Even when 56k modems have gone the way of the dodo due to inexpensive, high bandwidth connections in 99% of the world's households, the consumer will have to be willing to carry the burden in cost and time to manufacture the end product for ALL of their music listening purchases. I don't see people doing that and I don't see a capitalist society allowing that to happen. Too many worthless people in between the musicians and the public would loose their jobs; bad for the economy. And everything boils down to money in our proto-Ferengi society. (Why do you think it's called the music BUSINESS?) As others have said, computers haven't made the paperless office and all the extra stuff (packaging) is too important a part of the package. I don't see artists wanting to give up artistic control of their CD artwork. Record labels may rip it from them. But then I don't see the labels wanting to give up that control, either. Even if the music were to be available for purchase exclusively via downloading and even if the artwork were forced down the wire with it, the customer may possibly choose not to print it out. Loss of advertising for the sellers of music. Of course, I may be short sighted... -- Bill >>> home: <<< work: ============================================================================== Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays at 11pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg. Email me if you wish to submit music for airplay consideration. ============================================================================== The radio station: My radio show: My band's site: